Sales Presentations Copywriter

In-Person/ Phone/ Video Consultations

Sales Presentation Copywriting Services – Columbus Ohio

What Needs to Be Shown

We write sales presentations in a wide number of formats depending on what, how, why and where you need to make an impression. Sometimes, “sales decks” are in PowerPoint or PDF format, other times they can be in printed form, other times on a flipchart.

Form and Function

The most effective sales pitches are those that are based on intelligence and facts. Informing is sometimes as important as trying to get the “buy in.” Telling can beat selling if the content is concise, absorbing and doesn’t leave out any of the key facts.

The purpose of the presentation is to effectively communicate the benefits of what you’re selling. Those can be intrinsic as well as commercial generating a positive feeling as well as giving actionable information that can save money or make money, save time or cut costs.

Selling Value Instead of “Beating Down Objections”

We don’t believe that buyers want to be “beaten down.” Our experience shows that making the audiences feel good, and informed; works a lot better that overcoming their concerns. Our presentations are based on the simple premise of solving problems and making friends.

No Death by PowerPoint

We work with clients to simplify what is said and shown, especially when it comes to PowerPoint. Only an unusual and charismatic person can drone on for more 12 slides. Our mantra is “be smart, be right, be brief.”


Make Your Content a Priority. I certainly will.

Increase Conversion Rates

We use “Sticky words©” to build your story – to gain and keep attention by creating a strong positive perception. “Sticky Words” are memorable and give prospects unique reasons to do business with you. “Sticky words©” that get people to want to find out more about what you do and how they might be able to benefit from it.

Blog/Article Copywriter​ services

Reduce Bounce Rate

Copywriting that provides convincing reasons for visitors to engage with your work and read more – and more.

Drive More Traffic

Keywords and phrases that draw visitors to your site because you have content that relates to benefits they want.

Blog/Article Copywriter​ services

Turn your traffic into loyal customers and
return visitors. Don't miss out!

Sometimes I write About Writing

Sales Presentations Copywriter

Sales Presentations Copywriter In-Person/ Phone/ Video Consultations Sales Presentation Copywriting Services – Columbus Ohio What Needs to Be Shown We write sales presentations in a

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