Sales Events Copywriter

In-Person/ Phone/ Video Consultations

Sales Events Copywriting Services – Columbus Ohio


Copywriting for sales events is about more than “words for signs and prize boards”

The purpose of a sales event is to get an audience. We can develop the materials for flyers, product information/spec sheets and all the printed, digital or video pieces.

However, more than that – everybody at the event needs to know what the point of the event is. Whatever you want to say, do, or show, it all needs to relate to the event objective.


In big organizations, “learn and review” meetings require materials. Even smaller groups need to have and know how to use materials so all are on board.

Sales and customer service people, who should own the relationships with customers, need to know what to say and do. They should also be directly involved in inviting guests. People also (generally) feel more inclined to attend if they’re personally invited via a personal note, phone call or email, instead of having to fill out a “form.”

We can and will write everything needed, from the event plan meeting materials to invitations to videos to any all sales sheets and takeaways – even the words on “goodie bags” or “swag” (t-shirts and other wearables.)

The event should be like a rock show – dynamic, well-rehearsed and great at selling!

Make Your Content a Priority.
I certainly will.

Increase Conversion Rates

We use “Sticky words©” to build your story – to gain and keep attention by creating a strong positive perception. “Sticky Words” are memorable and give prospects unique reasons to do business with you. “Sticky words©” that get people to want to find out more about what you do and how they might be able to benefit from it.

Blog/Article Copywriter​ services

Reduce Bounce Rate

Copywriting that provides convincing reasons for visitors to engage with your work and read more – and more.

Drive More Traffic

Keywords and phrases that draw visitors to your site because you have content that relates to benefits they want.

Blog/Article Copywriter​ services

Turn your traffic into loyal customers and return visitors. Don't miss out!

Sometimes I write About Writing

Sales Events Copywriter

Sales Events Copywriter In-Person/ Phone/ Video Consultations Sales Events Copywriting Services – Columbus Ohio Copywriting for sales events is about more than “words for signs

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Transform your copy in just a few days.  Change words, change how people look at you.