Advertising Copywriter

In-Person/ Phone/ Video Consultations

Advertising Copywriting Services – Columbus Ohio


NOT New But Still Effective

Advertising developed as a way to reach mass audiences with a clear call to action – “buy what we sell.” It functions well evolved as way to reach target audiences without the negatives generated by traditional hard-sell advertising. We have the same philosophy – find ways to build awareness, credibility and loyalty for the brand.

Our copywriting gets attention for what our clients want to SELL

Our clients have diverse needs but a common objective – they want people to buy something – products, services. candidates or ideas. This requires copywriting that gets them to change buying from a competitor OR to continue buying your brand.

Copywriting is a lot more than “just words”

We are strategic thinkers

We have to interpret what our clients do and how to get the results they want. That involves doing detailed and deep dive research on the target audience and what they want, what our clients offer (including unique benefits,) what their competitors do – and how to position “us” as better than “them.”

Our focus is on how to position a client’s offer and the best medium to meet their goal – get the audience to take action. We ensure our copywriting works well with the visual part of the message by building active partnerships with the client as well as design, graphic and technical resources.

Whatever it takes to “get the message to the market”

Make Your Content a Priority.
I certainly will.

Increase Conversion Rates

We use “Sticky words©” to build your story – to gain and keep attention by creating a strong positive perception. “Sticky Words” are memorable and give prospects unique reasons to do business with you. “Sticky words©” that get people to want to find out more about what you do and how they might be able to benefit from it.

Blog/Article Copywriter​ services

Reduce Bounce Rate

Copywriting that provides convincing reasons for visitors to engage with your work and read more – and more.

Drive More Traffic

Keywords and phrases that draw visitors to your site because you have content that relates to benefits they want.

Blog/Article Copywriter​ services

Turn your traffic into loyal customers and return visitors. Don't miss out!

Sometimes I write About Writing

Advertising Copywriter

Advertising Copywriter In-Person/ Phone/ Video Consultations Advertising Copywriting Services – Columbus Ohio NOT New But Still Effective Advertising developed as a way to reach mass

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Free Strategy and Content Review

Transform your copy in just a few days.  Change words, change how people look at you.